help with a SIMPLE 36v7a battery powered class D portable sound system

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Now that's funny!
The thing is the generation or two before you said the exact same things you said in your first sense about everything you listed in the next. Personally, I find every artist you listed to be dated and marginal at best. Heck half of them were half fried or worse on drugs and alcohol when they wrote, recorded and performed those songs!

Every generation thinks their music and whatever genre it fits into was/is the best and in their views they are right. It's the best/only music they had to listen to at that time in their lives when they were growing up and it was imprinting on their basic senses of self as it developed at the time.

My personal preferences cover a wide range of music but country is not one of them. Never has been never will be. I just don't like it new or old. I find it boorish, predictable and highly repetitive and above all grating to my ears.
Now that's funny!
The thing is the generation or two before you said the exact same things you said in your first sense about everything you listed in the next.
Except what I said was true. People like Little Richard, Elvis Presly, San Cooke, Muddy waters, Chuck Berry and others fused the sounds of jazz, blues and gospel into something that became rock and the best of it was incredible. That was the base the other greats built on it. If you want to know what music is truly great all you have to do is add time. See what stands up. Like Glen Miller. The thing is that at any given time, probably 99.9% of whatever is being released is brain dead pablum that record companies are throwing out to try to make money. A microscopic percentage is truly great music from the mind of a great talent that will impact the scene and really make people listen.

Every generation thinks their music // is the best ....
And exactly ONE of them is right. Guess which one. It ain't disco. It sure ain't rap. It ain't pre regurgitated pop tarts like taylor Swift and Brittany Spears.
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And exactly ONE of them is right. Guess which one. It ain't disco. It sure ain't rap. It ain't pre regurgitated pop tarts like taylor Swift and Brittany Spears.

And therein lies the problem. What music is best is entirely subjective to the lifestyle and tastes of each and every individual listener.
Your favorite artist and song is likely not mine and what is mine are not yours thus relegating the whole who and what is best to little more than personal opinions rather than hard unwavering fact.

The artists you claim to be pioneers I find to be largely over marketed hacks from their day that took the same old junk music of the generation before them and mix and mashed it together to sound different just as much of the artists the music of today are with their music that they claim to be the new pioneers in whatever latest and greatest mix and match spin-off's of the same old crap from before their day.

To me saying who's music is the best is like saying who's home address in the right one? Well obviously it's going to be different for almost everyone now isn't it?
And therein lies the problem. What music is best is entirely subjective to the lifestyle and tastes of each and every individual listener.
Whatevs. There is a range of subjectivity and then there is pure ( ). I may not have an exact definition for music but I know it when I hear it... and when some thumper goes by with a subwoofer banging out 140 dBa of noise with some bozo swearing into a microphone, I ain't hearing it.
And that's just it. It's purity, meaning and all around appeal is subjective to the listener and their taste in music.

Your comment is to me like when someone says such and such country song the best song ever and what make that music the best ever while going on to list all the reason it's so great. I just can't hear it through what I call 'all the drivel and noise'.

Personally, I don't know what is the best music ever. When I was a kid my great grandpa used to woop it up with an accordion playing polka music while great grandma hammered along on a worn out piano so to them obviously polka songs played on a an accordion and a worn out piano was the best music ever to their ears.

I never got the appeal of it though.
When I was a kid my great grandpa used to woop it up with an accordion playing polka music while great grandma hammered along on a worn out piano
Sounds like a jolly time was had by all, except young tcmtech.
Does this accordion/polka thing indicate some kind of German heritage?

Yep. ~Half German, ~1/4 Russian, ~1/4 Norwegian and a bit of Irish and few other fractional things in there somewhere too.

I didn't mind the music back then but it just wasn't my thing. I'm the oddball in the family. Can't sing or dance and never could learn to read music either.

But oddly enough when I worked as a DJ playing music for others I got loads of compliments on my ability to get everyone else to do it!
I have never seen an old lead-acid 12V/7Ah motorcycle battery.
i'm talking about "smoke alarm" batteries that are indeed rated 11.1v 7.2ah. i wasn't inventing capacities

good news bad news:
i just hooked my source (xduoo x2 media player playing uncompressed WAVs) up to my desktop system and there's a HUGE improvement in clairity, air and imaging compared to my PC's soundcard, but without the EQ bass boost i created in winamp, the sound is really thin. i'm going to have to look into re-equalizing all of my tracks while using only my proel mains to compensate, but i'm happy that they're FINALLY producing sound i'd call in the hifi realm, if not state of the art, for once. gain treble... lose bass.

as to batteries, i'm thinking i'm going to go with a $52 free shipped 4 pack of 12v7a batteries to star with for a 24v14a power supply weighing in at about 50 pounds placed just behind my axle.

RAP is not music. Instead it is an African person reading a book out loud in a nasal monotone with a strong beat in the background.
i never claimed to like rap. i've always hated it. in fact, the very first 12" disc i ever bought, "it's like that" by run DMC was PRECISELY because i wanted the STFU instrumental B-side. back in the day, DJs often played the B-sides of rap. REAL hip-hop, on the other hand, is a joyful celebration of life capable of bringing people of all races together in a celebration of positive energy. towards the end of the REAL hip-hop era, around 1989, i could be the ONLY white boy in a club, but because i brought dance skills with me, no-one EVER gave me grief. real hip hop is life affirming. rap can kiss my butt. it's a venue for fools with absolutely no talent to assert social climbing rank. i have no respect for rappers. i QUIT rapping back in the day because it was the least challenging of the original 4 ELEMENTS of hip-hop. DJing, b-boying & graffiti are all much more challenging

as far as i'm concerned, rappers are just another form of low talent losers playing the social climbing game. if it suited me, i can EASILY destroy rappers in freestyle, but as it's a "talent" one step above grunting, i don't see the point. anyone capable of reading and writing should be capable of rapping. besides being pushed by the honkey establishment once they realized it's power and started pushing gangsta crap as the "new" crack to destroy the african american community, rap is only popular because it gives idiots the chance to mimic other idiots without having to sing. eff that! i'm all about MUSIC, so instrumentals rule

if you don't know what REAL hip-hop is, watch these four french white boys claim their 3rd or 4th world title in a row for DJing
if you think that has no musical value, then you have absolutely no soul as far as i'm concerned and you're not invited to MY party

a REALLY ironic thing is that idiots that make claims similar to yours think heavy metal is an actual form of music when it's every bit as atonal, but moreso evil incarnate. as much as i hate rap, i DESPISE heavy metal scum. the ironic thing is gansters and satanic head bangers are REALLY one and the same except you can dance to one style.

while all the idiots in the world are playing their evil gangsta crap, tiny penis heavy metal and anti-heterosexual soulless techno, i'll be playing funky beats like this and watch the ladies, hungry to dance, come running...

Unless you're living 100% on your own garden and handcrafted everything you own with your bare hands from nature's raw materials
that's where i WANT to be, having my own plot of land with no annoying neighbors begging to go go postal on. one of the most satisfying times in my life, actually, was when i was homeless and living under a tarp in the woods waking up to the chorus of animals... REAL people who play by mother nature's rules unlike the human cancer better off eradicated for it's never ending hubris.

i don't have much against long haulers. i had a CDL once myself, but lead foot hot rodders, luxury car driving scum and coal stacking small penis compensating a-holes? there's a special place in hell for said scum of the earth, whereas all the hippies said social climbing waste of skin pieces of crap have convinced themselves they're better than will get an instant free pass to heaven. i've already met my maker, so i make a point of staying on the side of right. i want my scorecard to show positive the next time i die. i can only point fidiots in the right direction, but if they chose to be fidiots, eff 'em.

as to planting trees... i haven't owned an internal combustion abomination since the 90s, and when i DID, it was rated 42mpg highway... very high for the time, so i more than do my fair share of carbon sequestration AND DREAM of having my own space where i can garden AGAIN and reverse the charges so to speak. i love gardening. getting one's hands in soil is very therapeutic and the best way to connect with mother earth. it's too bad this hideous culture makes that so effing hard to do. i loved making my own compost, vermiculture and tending to life. i miss it very much in this barren wasteland apartment complex life. i've also done the vegan thing for the better part of 2 years until family peer pressure dragged me back into the omnivore fold one thanksgiving.

other than that, i'm PROUDEST of my 1/8th mohawk genes and not the euroscum rest.

Those annoying people keep trying to use the SIDEWALK as a place to walk.
there's PLENTY of room on the sidewalk for pedestrians AND cyclists! i don't disrespect pedestrians. i ALWAYS SLOW DOWN and announce a passing side as both a courtesy and to prevent erratic accident causing reactions and if necessary, because some is too stupid to maintain their course or is side by side with another pedestrian, will veer off the sidewalk or wait as is prudent. i don't suffer the same "get out of my way!" road rage as road devils. i totally respect my fellow pedestrians and almost always give a nod of respect to them.

if some control freak a-hole wants to try and force me into the street... we can settle it there and then. i'm always prepared to deal with control freaks, and more often than not, long for such confrontations.

OK. Well just remember: average bicycle's mass about 15 pounds, average car about 4000 pounds.
and just remember the average vehicle velocity in city limits is 59 feet per second whereas the average bullet velocity is 800 feet per second or more

as to the side debate about what is and isn't good music... good music doesn't have an expiration date and will ALWAYS remain good music, but sadly, most of today's popular music is watered down corporate sludge focus grouped into total irrelevance. that's why i tend to prefer pre-1990 dance music as that's when music still had FLAVOR.

i like led zep too, only, except maybe for the beat to "when the levee breaks", you can't dance to it. i'll take hugh masekela's grazin' in the grass over 95% or more of the crap that's come after it. i have little patience with low integrity disposable music regardless of genre. good music will ALWAYS be good music regardless of the whims of weak minded sheep.

Well, with acoustic suspension design (no port) and an enclosure of thast size you'll probably have a lower -3dB corner of about 60 Hz or more so your "sub woofer" won't be subbing much.
that's why i'll be using a MINIMUM of 4 woofers for +6dB

Does this accordion/polka thing indicate some kind of German heritage?
what's wrong with polka? it can be a very satisfying form of music if done right...

or, not quite as epic, but a lot better than most of the crap that came after it even if it stinks of techno cancer...

but that's what happens after the confirmed demise of REAL hip-hop

not that anyone cares, but the meaning behind that song is a rare flower men would have to risk their lives for to prove themselves worthy of a mate, back when chivalry actually meant something
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And therein lies the problem.

Most of us don't think we are better than everyone else or at least are polite enough to not stuff it and our ill-founded bike riding earth saving beliefs in self-superiority in strangers faces.


I for one live out in the country have land and all the natural resources and potential to live nearly 100% self-sufficient. The problem is it's a load unnecessary and largely useless wastes of time unless I was an unemployed/unemployable self-riotous eco bum of course. But then most of my neighbors are production farmers and ranchers and not substance people who don't live just to support themselves. They live to produce enough to feed thousands of city dwellers who don't really contribute anything gainful to the earth.

I own land and lots of machines that have engines and engines that don't even have machines to go in. I have a boiler system that I used to burn scrap wood into heat my house but it was a load of work so now I burn used motor oil I collect for free unless of courseI have an old tire or a few to get rid of. Then I burn them instead.

I have very strong reasons to feel that global warming and all the politics behind it are mostly a power and money grabbing scam and where I live my local climate has been improving for the last 30+ years and if my driving fuel guzzling vehicles and burning tires is part of what's causing it well I have every reason to not want to stop it.

I love working in the oil fields and fracking was probably one of my favorite jobs I ever had.
I listen to loud music that has swearing in it because I like that sort of music. As far as my pecker size goes well, Let's just say I am above average (but not freakish) and have the size 14 wide feet and bowling ball palming hands plus a nose touching tongue to back that claim up and references for confirmation if needed.

So yea I can't really relate to what being an in everyone faces self ritious bike riding city dweller hippie is like. I have no clue but from my experacnes with every one I have met I really don't want to be either. The tinyest bit of morals and humility I was raised with just doesn't allow for that sort of behavior to be acceptable.

yeah, all those scientists, even exxon scientists, have been lying about global warming since the 70s. there is no polar meltdown, the stats that show the temperature going up are lies, there is no drought in california, the photos of lake meade 140 feet below capacity are fakes and don't listen to any oceanographer who dares talk about coral bleaching. all you gotta do is turn foxnews on and anyone that dares disagree with the decrees of the koch brothers is a liar.

oh and make sure to add me to the list of liars because i remember when winter in NY meant at least a foot of snow all winter and not just a couple storms and weeks worth of snow and muddy lawns the rest of the season. i made that crap up and any pics or home movies of NY winters before 1990 are chinese communist fakes.

if anyone's still interested in the ACTUAL topic of this thread, i've decided i'm going to stretch my budget from $50ish to about $120 for a pair of 12v (13.5 actual) volt 35 amp deep cycle wheelchair batteries at a manageable 48 pounds for the pair, and then to double that down the road. that should be enough capacity as the 150wpc "loud bike" uses 4 x 11v 5a lipoly cells for 11v20a and i'll be starting with more than three times that capacity at 27v 35a (or 13.5v 70a parallel). with 75wpc (actual) mains amp and a 300w (actual) mono amp, i should be able to get reasonable run times at moderate power levels.
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And because California's climate got worse by their standards that make's everything else in the world worse too?

Are the New Yorkers complaining about milder winters Vs getting their butts handed to them year after year like us midwesterners used to? And don't those warmer winter temperature numbers factor into the overall average temperature numbers for the whole year or decade?

So what about a lake? Our state lake was down to 40% of it's rated capacity in 2005 and was supposed to take 20 years to fill back up yet by 2008 it was back up to full capacity and then overflowed a few years later.

I never claimed you or anyone else was a liar. What I am pointing out is that not everywhere got worse by everyone's standards. That's how climate change works. Some places that were favorable stop being favorable for a number of reasons just and other places that were not favorable start to become favorable and a whole lot of what is in between doesn't change at all.

Sure those who lost a favorable local climate want it back at all costs (to be paid by others of course) . Sucks to be them, but what do you think all of us who's climates have changed for the better feel?
You think we want to give up what we gained to make someone else who never gave a rat's butt about our lives before happy again? No way! It's nicer here now and we like it and would prefer to keep it that way!

What I have learned about climate changing is if things got worse in California or Washington DC it's 'a global climate change catastrophe' and everybody should do something about it but if things improve anywhere else 'it's just local weather' and not worth noting or mentioning.

Where I live for the past 30 years we have been getting milder winters and warmer rainy summers that are greatly benefiting my region's farming industry and economy and we would very much like it to stay that way!

I and most educated people have no sympathy for California. Most of their water problems came from it being a natural desert climate to begin with plus being governed by a bunch of greedy self riotous idiots anyway and not so much any recent climate change.
and therein lies the ENTIRE PROBLEM summed up in a nutSHELL (pun intended)... "as long as i got mine... screw the rest of the world" which is PRECISELY why the human species deserves extinction. it's the ONLY path to the greater good, but hey, thanks for so eloquently and unselfconsciously proving my point. if only republicans could kinsley gaffe so clearly. you would destroy the ENTIRE PLANET just so YOU could have warmer weather. make sure to remember that when it's your turn to have a conversation with god so you can tell him just how important you are, and i'm not talking about the man made one in books either.

if you ever came to grips with the EXTREME irony in that statement, your head might explode. no.. really... brain induced spontaneous human combustion... *kaboom*

meanwhile SOME of us, who AREN'T the least bit greedy (my handle even says so hahahahahaha!) put the greater good, and potentially even our very lives or in my case LIMBS, ahead of our own self interests and do the right thing. when i meet god next time, my conscience will be clear and my "works" will speak for themselves.

BTW... i turned the opportunity to be a quite well off literal jet setter down rather than compromise my integrity or beliefs

You think we want to give up what we gained to make someone else who never gave a rat's butt about our lives before happy again?
i generally care about ALL people equally and don't do the self centered tribal thing, but i DO give negative points to those that are part of a problem and selfishly perpetuate it. my heroes are people like the amish who live quite righteous lives very in balance with nature. i'd be happy to join them were it not for the false god issue.
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I should sacrifice my desires and comfort to allow others who could care less about mine to have theirs even if I not only don't agree with them but find their wants and desires to be totally wrong from my perspective?

I'm pretty sure that's not head exploding irony there.

Given your statements, I am fairly sure you are misusing the term and definition of 'Irony' as a whole.

BTW as other people go, about 95% of the world's population lives on ~5% of the total land area that's habitable so even though a huge population base may be affected their actual representation of the planet as whole based on land area only makes up a small percentage of the total geographical and environmental whole. The quantity of the people on that area of land is totally irrelvant.
Thus although there may be millions of people living in a small land area, that also happens to be a crappy location for supporting a high of population base, they and their local climate/weather/environmental overloading conditions do not represent the whole of the global climate or general environment despite the large population of affected people living there.
They only represent the fraction of the whole that their land area represents and their mass overloading of the local environment and how that affects their local weather and climate has little to do with the overall greater whole of everywhere else.

Thus even though places like California and other near desert to outrightly desert regions that may represent a large percentage of the US population despite being a lesser geographic location does not accurately represent the whole of the continental US as they would so have everyone believe.

So yes, if you live where everyone is packed in on top of each other in a near desert climate and let your available resources be managed by the village idiots heck yea I have no sympathy for you and anyone else who lives there either and I don't feel the least bit selfish for thinking that everyone there is of no consequence to me and my life where I and my surrounding cultural community does live within the working capacity of our local environment and resources.
Especially so if the changes I have seen over the last 30 years have shown great improvements in my areas climate that have made my local economy more profitable and our ways of life easier than ever before !

Kinda Ironic how those who had it good in the past had no concern for those of us who had it rough but now that things have changed in our favor they find it totally unfair that we don't have the slightest concern about them now and they really don't like it.
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I should sacrifice my desires and comfort to allow others who could care less about mine to have theirs even if I not only don't agree with them but find their wants and desires to be totally wrong from my perspective?
first off, you assume EVERYONE suffering climate issues is somehow deserving of it. there are poor people EVERYWHERE, especially in 3rd world countries getting hit the hardest by, just THE START of the death of the planet, but they never figured into your equations, nor innocent children whose only "crime" was not being born far north and of course, all of the PLANTS AND ANIMALS suffering, like the reefs dying off. you also don't seem to understand that ALL global ecosystems are interconnected, so when the effects finally DO get to you, make sure you don't whine about it because you asked for it and you really DON'T get the concept of irony at all do you? somehow... like so many selfish psycopaths, YOUR selfishness and greed is somehow "superior" to everyone else's. you're beyond saving, so i won't bother trying.

when you're impotently pleading your case "on the other side", i'll make sure to stop by and say "told you so".
Seriously? It's been almost a month now and this is all you could come up with?

Show solid valid rational proof of your claims or shut up.

Being alive is always a struggle. That's how it works. Those who can take it and find a way to learn and adapt live longer than those who can't.

If where you live is crappy move. If you are too stupid or lazy to figure that out die because you're just one more burden/obstacle to deal with for those who are smart enough to adapt.

As far as 'the other side' I'm already forgiven of my sins. Maybe if you read the good book in its context you would already know that and how it works.

Any thoughts on what it says about suffering the accusations of the riotous fools and judge not unless ye will be judged?

Feel free to take a month or two to research that and ponder it over. I don't mind being getting there slowly is better than not getting there at all.

Oh yeah, and here's one more major piece to the whole climate change scam that's a real kick in the head for you.
The whole climate change BS is not about the climate. It's largely about taking away everything that the top nations of the world have so that the crap hole third world ones can build themselves up at our expense.

It's all money (financial redistribution) and power grabs, not environmental anything and the best way to push that sort of backwards change of the civilized world is not to bring the bottom end countries up but to bring us down to their level and you tree hugging doofuses are doing more harm than good by believing their 'It's environmental' nonsense and pushing it forward for them.

The generations of my family before me worked hard to make this country the great country it is and I sure as heck have zero intentions of letting it slide backward to being some crap hole sub third world one so some other real craphole third world mud hut dwellers, and everyone else who doesn't have anything either, because they are too dumb and or lazy to work for a living but feel they are entitled to live as I do can feel better about themselves.

If you or those people want a better life get off your butt and work for one. I did and I am not giving it up to make some lazy misguided entitled tree hugging bike riders feel better about their not having squat.

If working to get what I have and expecting no less of others to do the same makes me 'Entitled' so be it. I'm proud to be as 'Entitled' as I am and I think a whole lot of others need to put forth some effort and work to gain my equivalent 'entitlement' for themselves without expecting me to give up mine for them.
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