Help Identifying component package labeled DA on circuit board and D9-IC E15 on component

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I have already identified IC2 at the top of the board that probably catches your eye. It is a transceiver RS422,RS485. DA5 on the board is the one I am trying to find right now.

I have been searching by the numbers on the package, but I am not finding anything. Tried searching by picture too and only get resistor networks to show up. Please help me identify this component so I can replace it. Thank you in advance.

Not sure why I had such a hard time searching the numbers before. After you saying that, I am able to find it at mouser pretty easy lol. I would order the D9-1A for good measure too, but it is on backorder until April, so going to test it using the old one first. I guess I see why this complete board is on backorder from the OEM until then too. Thank you again!

Just test it - it's only a row of diodes - so dead simple to test.

It's hard to tell if it looks damaged or not, as the picture isn't very sharp.

Assuming it is damaged?, then just fit a row of seperate diodes, no need to wait until April for one. It's quite common to see that done in production, as they are the sort of 'obscure' component that are likely to be difficult to source at times.
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