Good service from PCB manufacturer.

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Yep, for the price of boards from China, it's not the end of the world if they don't work as planned! And you can try things out without a huge investment.

Especially if you're already ordering boards, adding another one or two may not even change the dhilping cost.
Well the boards arrived yesterday, nice and early in the morning

You can't beat DHL, they collected it from JLC late Saturday afternoon, and delivered it here at 9:41 Monday morning.
Recently orderred from JLCPCB, perfect and fast service. PCB quality was good for the price. shipping was expensive but i can understand that because is was very fast( 2 days after orderring)
The downside to JLC - any color other than green is a fairly substantial upcharge.

Elecrow (and several other vendors) charge $5 for 10 boards of up to 100mm × 100mm in any of 6 standard colors (green, red, blue, white, yellow or black). Elecrow also allows slots and cutouts and v-scores with no upcharge for multiple copies of the same design on a board.

This allowed me to make 10 boards with 30 of these cable tie supports per board - a total of 300 pieces for $5. As a reminder, v-scores must be a straight line all the way across a board.

Anyone have experience doing a more complex board through Elecrow? ~5 mil traces/spacing, dense population? May be worth looking into....
I had these boards fabricated and assembled at Elecrow. No problems at all, but they weren't pushing the limits. My minimum track width was 8 mils.

When I got boards made by JLCPCB I had 5/5 width/spacing and saw no issues. This spec is fairly common for a lot of my boards, so I'd be interested to know if Elecrow can meet this spec as well.
For Elecrow's regular PCB service (i.e., cheap), the spec is 6mils but they recommend >8mils. For the premium service, they can go down to 3mil trace & space.

Premium may not actually cost any more, depending on board size and quantity. The price depends on actual board area, rather than "100mm × 100mm or less" or 50mm × 50mm or less."

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