Future Electronics?

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the local sales office of Future has approached me a couple times to setup an account with them... now I'm hardly a large volume purchaser of electronic components, so I'm not sure what their interest is.

Can anyone share their experiences with Future?
Do they have a printed catalog... how do you order stuff from them? Their website is harder to use than Mouser's.
How do their small-quanity prices compare to the 'little guys' like digi-key and mouser?

I wouldn't mind having another source to buy components from ... Future's line card isn't as long as digi-key or mouser, but they do carry a lot of suppliers that none of the little guys have.
Future has been a reliable supplier of components that are unavailable from other distributors. The outside sales people have been very helpful on a number of occasions. Their interest is to sell components, to small enterprises that have the potential to become large enterprises.

We have been 5-7 employees since 1994. We're not huge, we're not growing, and we're not getting rich, but we build a few, and sell a few, and we're still around. We also never had to sell our souls to the vulture capitalists. The original incorporators still own the company.
I think Future-Active aka FAI is part of Future Electronics ... not to be confused with Futurelec
Future are really good! never had a problem with them (they also can get access to hard-to-get components)

Obviously they prefer biig manufactures but they don't mind the little-guy either

if they have offered then use them
I'm still not clear on the relationship of Future Electronics, and Future Active...

As far as Future Active goes, I recently had a look at their website, and found it quite lacking as far as modern PICs or AVRs goes. I sent an email to the address on the site, and a few days later, received an email from the president and owner of the company. He assured me that This is quite reassuring for me.

futurlec, is an Australia - Thailand based outfit, with fairly good prices on small volume, but without the huge range some of the big players have.

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