Funny Images Thread!

The engineer, physicist, and mathematician were all at a conference hotel, and each woke up to discover a small fire had started in the carpet beside the bed.

The engineer ran to the bathroom, filled the ice bucket with water, and doused the fire, although making a mess in the process.

The physicist used a pocket knife to excise the burning part of the carpet, brought it to the sink, and poured a glass of water on it.

The mathematician went to the bathroom, turned the water on, then off, and got back in bed saying "a solution exists."

And a statistician would run around starting more fires to get an adequate sample size.
TV, I don't get what's funny about the bench picture? If I could sit there for an hour, I wouldn't want to chat with anybody from anytime!
TV, I don't get what's funny about the bench picture? If I could sit there for an hour, I wouldn't want to chat with anybody from anytime!

Hi throb

I had a "brain fart"...saw the picture...and just posted it ???

Makes you think though

Found this on FB....

They have a "challenge" there called "neknomination"....something about drinking..
This Guy decided to go one better....stuff Drink...use combustible aerosol rather...

Kinda blows your hair back LOL...on fire too.

Apparently not harmed.....worse than it looks....

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Mi Matt

Crazy stuff people get up to after a few challenges..especially on FB.
I have mates who are wary of included.

How you doing Buddy? How is your appetite? Eating better yet ?

All the best,
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Mi Matt

Crazy stuff people get up to after a few challenges..especially on FB.
I have mates who are wary of included.

How you doing Buddy? How is your appetite? Eating better yet ?

All the best,

I don't mind facebook provided the security settings are set properly. That was the first thing I did when I opened an account--I went through and made sure that none of my information--including location, age, as well as my photos and posts--would be visible to anyone except myself and my direct friends. I also was very careful who I added as friends and made sure to use facebook professionally as a tool instead of a toy. If you can do this, then facebook can be extraordinarily useful.

Health-wise I'm still working on it. There has been something going around here in Boston lately, and I seem to have picked up the bug. I'm still trying to eat better, though I am not able to all the time. I haven't been able to check my weight lately so I don't know if it's going up, down, or staying the same. Ideally I should be getting about 2000-3000 calories a day, but I've only been getting around 1000. I would try adjusting my diet to get more, but then the symptoms of the dyspepsia and food intolerances kick in preventing me from eating much. Vicious circle, but I'm trying

ETO is slow tonight....

Anybody under the age of "before the Internet* would or could not understand this post above....^^^^^^

For Kids out there reading this....our Parents whipped our backsides when we were naughty....we were taught from a young age to respect our Elders...we got dirty playing...(surely that can happen) with the friend next door.....we experimented with crackers...gunpowder and crazy stuff..

We were a rough and tumble kind of club......and so we stay.

We are not scared of the youth of today....we are what you will never be....a Culture of responsibility....and having your ass whipped for being naughty or maybe useless...

Not like the clueless, soft, kiddies of today....

Lift your hand to me....I will report go away Dad so I can finish my joint... (my friends son in response to his Dad busting him smoking dope)....

If I had my way, I would take his neck and wring it...

I was raised to take a tumble. And know why. Right and wrong was understood. Not anymore.

Ahh, the good old days

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When I was a kid, we didn't even have streetlights nearby, and no real curfew. However, we would still have to get up in time for school the next morning. If I was playing outside with my siblings (rarely had friends over), and my mother wanted me to come inside, she would flash the porch light. As a kid I ate dirt, played around piles of rusty metal, rode my bike out on the road by myself, played with matches (though I wasn't stupid about it) and so on. I was punished if I did something wrong and I had my mouth washed out with soap and sometimes straight hot sauce. Now look at me--I'm not scarred for life, I'm not abusive to others, and I don't have any broken bones or permanent developmental disorders. The parents nowadays who raise their kids in front of TV and video games are raising a generation of idiots and spoiled brats.
Like quite a few guys on here, I grew up with the knowledge that there was a line.
The line was clearly defined and the consequences of crossing the line were also clearly defined.
Did I cross that line and suffer the consequences?
You betcha!
I knew that I would get a cut tail, but sometimes, after weighing up the risk/reward, it was worth it.
That 'fort/castle/whatever' just had to be finished that night, no matter what!

Nowadays, it's "Stop that or else!"
"Or else" never comes, for fear of being prosecuted for physical child abuse.

The current problem stems from extreme cases of physical child abuse, where bones are broken, internal damage occurs, or even death.
No right-minded parent wants to be put in the position of causing severe or mortal damage to their child, but the 'short, sharp shock' is necessary in order to trigger an instinctive reflex when potentially dangerous situations are encountered in the future.
Well, seeing it's quite here...and we all like is a Trotter that decided that it doe's not want to part of anyone's Breakfast...

I introduce the"escaping"...breakfast?????...Very determined and hardy...

No slaughterhouse for this brave Guy. Classic jump and roll..and stand up. Nothing broken and free...

A whole new World waiting out there.....someone else will end up eating him. Sooner or later.

Crazy hey....all the effort for nothing

This is not funny at all....maybe makes one think...everything un electronic related...videos etc grouped in one place....funny or not.
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