FREE PARTS and what are somr other stuff

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Well-Known Member
Been reorganizing my parts as per wifes directive and my lack of organization.
BUT have some stuff that I have way toooo many and what the heck are some of these parts.
The female headers for edgecard are yours but you pay for shipping.
Have about 100 of the 5 pos,
50-16 pos
25 of the 11 pos
The white and tan colored female plugs are for ??
then the one straight header that looks like its for surface mount?
the the big question is what are the two metal plates for. They are some sort of tool??
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That looks like what I am thinking it is.
Now how to incorporate?
Will look at your link
Assuming you have the suitable length ribbon cable with the correct pitch and same number of conductors as the sockets have, you'd just solder a socket to each board you wish to connect and use the ribbon cable to join them, pin for pin.

You would have to make sure the cable is capable of carrying the required current though.

EDIT: Any further ideas on the plates yet? I'm intrigued....
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nothing on the plates yet.
Thinking maybe for attaching ribbon cable or something similar?
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