This FM transmitter works. I get it from a post while surfing the net. The original circuit is actually the thing inside the yellow box.
Minor changes were made. I made its input to be either from an electret microphone or from RCA jack (input from computer, MP3, etc..). I also regulated the input voltage (red box).
But can you explain and elaborate any information about it (the things inside the yellow box)?? There are just things that I don’t know.
The oscillator used?
The purpose of some capacitors and resistors?
The LC combination?
And any thing you can add..
Thanks a Lot..
This FM transmitter works. I get it from a post while surfing the net. The original circuit is actually the thing inside the yellow box.
Minor changes were made. I made its input to be either from an electret microphone or from RCA jack (input from computer, MP3, etc..). I also regulated the input voltage (red box).
But can you explain and elaborate any information about it (the things inside the yellow box)?? There are just things that I don’t know.
The oscillator used?
The purpose of some capacitors and resistors?
The LC combination?
And any thing you can add..
Thanks a Lot..