I'm looking at a elektor electronics Fm transmitter with an atmel processor that generates the 57kc subcarrier for the RDS display, and puts a station name onto it.
The idea is you can have your own mini station with RDS display and be able to use the traffic announcement function.
I'd like the use the display of a radio while its receiving a 'proper' station, ie take over the RDS station name without affecting the stations audio reception.
So this would require filtration of the original subcarrier, then injecting the new one.
I'm reasonably familiar with Rf.
Any ideas welcome.
The idea is you can have your own mini station with RDS display and be able to use the traffic announcement function.
I'd like the use the display of a radio while its receiving a 'proper' station, ie take over the RDS station name without affecting the stations audio reception.
So this would require filtration of the original subcarrier, then injecting the new one.
I'm reasonably familiar with Rf.
Any ideas welcome.