I just noticed a strange effect in an LED bulb. There are two bulbs in the fitting, and one failed a few days ago and I hadn't got round to changing it, but the fitting was being turned on each evening as the other light works.
When I turned off the power, the LED lamp glowed for a moment, maybe half a second. I tried a few times and it glowed each time the power was turned off.
The fitting of two bulbs has its own switch. I don't know if the other bulb is the same type or not. There is no dimmer switch, and it's on normal 240 V ac, 50 Hz mains.
Any idea what is causing this phenomenon?
I'll open it up tomorrow and see if I can work it out.
When I turned off the power, the LED lamp glowed for a moment, maybe half a second. I tried a few times and it glowed each time the power was turned off.
The fitting of two bulbs has its own switch. I don't know if the other bulb is the same type or not. There is no dimmer switch, and it's on normal 240 V ac, 50 Hz mains.
Any idea what is causing this phenomenon?
I'll open it up tomorrow and see if I can work it out.