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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Electronics job opening

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Well-Known Member
My employer has put me on a new max 6 month contract as an electronics pay has also been reduced by 25%.....i am only here to hand over to the next can i help them speed up and get the next guy in so i can go, since i am finished here now.
Make sure all documentation is up to scratch, all your work is backed up, easily accessible, and he knows where to find it all. Simply put yourself in his shoes and think what you would need to get up to speed asap. Generally for me its always just points to having adequate documentation.

On a side note, why would you sign a new contract with those conditions? 25% reduction is extreme and I probably would've refused and looked for something else instead. Did they blindside you with it or something?
Document EVERYTHING. My predecessor didn't document anything and left me in the dark to try to figure out what he was thinking when he made certain design choices. I'm constantly reverse-engineering his work which wastes a lot of time. Design notes are a must.
My employer has put me on a new max 6 month contract as an electronics pay has also been reduced by 25%.....i am only here to hand over to the next can i help them speed up and get the next guy in so i can go, since i am finished here now.

Option A) Tell your employer to offer a market salary to the new guy.
Option B) Tell your employer to decrease his expectations.

You are leaving because of a 25% pay cut (and probably for other reasons too. In an economy on an upswing, they cannot expect to get good people by decreasing salaries.

my pay has also been reduced by 25%
If you think it is hard to live at 75%, try living at 0%.
Take the mans money and look for another job.

Look the contract over very well. How badly are you locked in? How easy can the company get out?
If the company can get out easy they will cut you off when they find a replacement.
If you can get out with only one months loss then you should go when you find something.
It may be that they will start the 75% pay and not push you to sign a contract. In a up market that might be good for you.

If you leave in the middle of a contract you can not use them as a reference. They may give you bad marks now any way.
People often leave just to hurt the company. Bad idea. You can live at 75%. Make contacts, look for jobs, stall on signing if there is not a good way out.
Careful, with your copper coins.
Do a good job. They may change their minds in 6 months.
Document EVERYTHING. My predecessor didn't document anything and left me in the dark to try to figure out what he was thinking when he made certain design choices. I'm constantly reverse-engineering his work which wastes a lot of time. Design notes are a must.
OTOH, that's how I make a name for myself at jobs. Either because I reverse-engineer something that the boss knows was indecipherable or I cook up something new from scratch.
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