Electronic Circuit Simulation program suggestion

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New Member
Hey all,

I'd like some suggestions on a decent Electronic Simulation software program, preferable downloadable trial version to test it out first before making a purchasing. I've tried Smartdraw and TINA, but the restrictions on these trial versions are very limiting. I do understand that this is the purpose of the Trial version, however, not being able to save any created circuits in TINA is becoming a pain, and Smartdraw was not great on the Simulation side.
These are the basics I'd like to see.
-Decent Analog and Digital components Library
-Virtual Test Measurement tools (Multimeter,scope...etc)
-Programable AC and DC power sources

try Proteus from Labcenter (UK)

Have a look at Proteus from Labcenter. It can do all you need and also layout your pcb when the circuit simulation says it will work.
I tested some programs and, in my opinion, the old "Circuit Maker" is good for my job. It's simple, but good.
Simulation is all well and good, but PLEASE build one , preferably a few, before committing it for production!
I remember an amplifier by a well known manufacturer that got to production, but would only output a 50(60) Hz squarewave because the simulation program didn't know about magnetic coupling between the mains transformer and the input transformer...
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