EasyEDA vs Kicad - looking for personal experiences

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I have tried both. Each has it's own learning curve. Using any package for a while you quickly learn all the quarks and make notes of all the tips and tricks to make your job easier.
The reason why I prefer KiCad is that all files are stored locally. EasyEDA is "Cloud based". If you do not have internet connection, you cannot access your work. Lining in South Africa means that you cannot 100% guarantee having internet connection. I worked in Iraq for quite a while and there guaranteed internet connection was even more of an issue. That's my 2 cents worth.

Not entirely true. EasyEDA software can run locally on a PC (Windows for sure, don't know about Linux and Mac), with files stored locally. You will lose access to the library files, but once you have components selected, you can do everything else w/o internet access.

As far as I'm aware it 'was' true - when I first started using JLCPCB there was no off-line option, which is why I never considered it, and used DesignSpark PCB instead. Later on they released an off-line version, which I became aware of from (I believe) your posts.

I must admid, I last used EasyEDA in 2017 (or sometime there about). If they do allow offline work now that's great
Personally I avoid any software that runs on browser, that's probably why I don't use EasyEDA. Just doesn't feel robust, fast and independent, but that's personal opinion.

Oh, and the free version ads... KiCAD has none and doesn't rely on another software (browser).
Personally I avoid any software that runs on browser, that's probably why I don't use EasyEDA. Just doesn't feel robust, fast and independent, but that's personal opinion.

As mentioned above, standalone versions are available now - no browser used.
It could be worse, they could have written it in net beans and it could be as bad as MPLAB.X.

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