Easy PIC12f683 problem

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I got it to work! I followed the advice on the Elmer page (which is very helpful and gives much more background than any of the rest) about setting up a project but crucially I did not use a linker file. Again I think maybe I relied on MPLABS taking care of me.

Anyway I look forward to asking you more and more questions as I develop my project.

Thanks for all your help.

I'm off for a pint.
OK, flushed with my previous success I am now going to have a bash at using the comparator. What I am going to do is check the voltage of the supply batteries compare them against a known value and if they are OK do nothing but if they are below the appropriate level then flash an LED a couple of times (now that I can do it!!).

As far as I can see I am going to have to learn about A-D conversion and using the comparator.

Is there anything in particular that I should be aware of before I start?


OK once again I think I should have done a bit of research before posting I think I can just get away with using the A-D converter rather than using the comparator.
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