Each rotation actuates a solenoid

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New Member
Hey guys, I want to build a device that will briefly deploy a small solenoid (needs to move about 1/4 of an inch) for each turn of the pulley and does the same thing but deploys a different solenoid if the pulley is turning the other direction. The pulley already has a magnet installed in it so I was thinking of a reed switch but then realized that if the pulley stopped with the magnet activating the reed switch the solenoid would always be on. Also, this system would not detect if the pulley was turning backward. Any help on how to build this would be greatly appreciated.

By the way, I have no electronic background but can solder okay and can use the Internet to look up wire diagram symbols.

Thank you in advance.

here is a link to get you started

way down on the bottom it has a circuit you are looking for.
instead of counting just control your solnoids
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