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I've dreamed up a project and made a design... It seems to work in simulation and I've programmed a 16F628A to produce the output I want... I'd like to get some expert feedback to make sure I'm not doing something patently wrong! It's a long story, but my CO2 injection system for my aquarium has gone haywire twice, causing a depressing fish kill (more so for the fish than for me)... I work with gas cylinders and I've never seen a regulator fail, then work again... I've got my suspicions that my 3 year old (who could give Dennis the menace a run for his money) has been in under the aquarium turning the diaphragm knob! For fail safety, I've installed a lock on the cabinet, but just in case, I thought I should have a means to kill the power to the regulator solenoid should the bubble rate (i.e. the CO2 delivery rate) get too high. Here's the regulator:

**broken link removed**

My plan is to use an optical switch OPTEK: OPB819Z:

I was planning to place it around the bubble tube to "count" the bubbles using the microcontroller. My circuit is attached (hopefully). I was planning to sense on RB0 from low to high. I was going to put a 100 ohm resistor from 5V to pin 3 of the OPB819Z and route this to RB0. So if a bubble causes the "loss" of light to the NPN side of the switch, the voltage will go high. The µC will count the number of events each second and if there are more than 2, activate a relay killing power to the solenoid of the regulator thus stopping CO2 flow (and a massive fish kill!).

Any reason this is a poor design? Could it be improved? I'm using MikroC... Here's the code if it helps:

* this program writes one time per second to the RS232 communication line,
* the frequency of the input signal on the RB0 pin
* PIC16F628A
* 8 Mhz crystal, HS clock
* PORTB.0, in : counter input
* PORTB.1, out : RS232 tx      (rx)
* PORTB.2, in : RS232 rx       (tx)
* Author : Bruno Gavand, november 2005,
* The interupt routine used; the rest (including RS232 removed) and further
* modified by TJB; Feb08

* RAM variables
unsigned long   cntr ;          // number of RB0 transition
unsigned int    ovrflw ;        // number of timer0 overflows
unsigned char   kill;           // if 1, RB1 changes state

* interrupt routine called 2000000/256 times by seconds :
* the timer TMR0 is increased each 4 clock cycles (quartz frequency is 8 Mhz),
* and overflows when reseting from 255 to 0,
* calling the interrupt procedure with bit T0IF set
* also called on each RBO transition, with bit INTF set
void    interrupt(void)
		* RB0 interrupt
		cntr++ ;                // inc. transition counter
		if (cntr > 2)
		 kill = 1;
		INTCON.INTF = 0 ;       // clear interrupt flag to enable next call
	else if(INTCON.T0IF)
		* TIMER 0 overflow
		ovrflw++ ;              // inc. overflow counter
		INTCON.T0IF = 0 ;       // clear interrupt flag to enable next call on overflow

void main()
	TRISB.F0 = 1 ;            // RB0 interrupt pin as input
	TRISB.F1 = 0 ;            // RB1 is output
	TRISB.F2 = 1 ;            // RB2 is input - receives reset
	kill = 0 ;                // The kill bit set to 0
	OPTION_REG = 0b11011000 ; // no prescaler

		cntr = 0 ;              // clear counters
		ovrflw = 0 ;

		INTCON = 0b10110000 ;   // T0IF, INTF and GIE enabled
		if (kill == 1)          // If kill gets set in interrupt....
		   PORTB.F1 = 1;           // Set PORTB, bit one to high
       PORTB.F1 = 0;
    if (PORTB.F2 = 1)
    kill = 0;               // Reset the kill
		while(ovrflw < 7813) ;  // wait 1 second : 7813 =
								            // 8 000 000 / 4 / 256, rounded up
								            // This modified for 8 MHz crystal!
		INTCON.GIE = 0 ;        // stop all interrupts


Thanks in advance!


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CO2 for what actually?
The schematic is not completely clear, but it looks like you have a 100 ohm resistor in series with the relay coil. Is the relay a 5V coil? Why the resistor? John

Edit: I would also put a protective diode across the relay coil for the inductive kick.
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I've included a scaled down version of your schematic and a redrawn one that shows the way I would do it:


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  • circuit2.JPG
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Thanks for the updated diagram! It's a long story, but I have Electronics Workbench on my laptop which wasn't available, so I did a redraw in visio, but obviously didn't do it well! I think I was remembering a diode instead of a resistor in the relay portion of the schematic. My EW model works and I had 1 kOhm resistor between the PIC and the transistor (like in Nigel's tutorial).

For atferrari, the CO2 helps plant growth... I just got an aquarium after 30 some years (I was crazy for them as a kid - then again, we didn't get cable TV until 1978!). I used to have plants in my aquariums, but they never grew well. I'm an oceanographer for my day job, so I'm familiar with the CO2 buffering system in seawater. At the ocean's surface, CO2 can become limiting for plant (phytoplankton) growth. For the most part, however, plants are never carbon limited (almost always lack of nitrogen or phosphorous limits growth). I was reading up on aquatic plants, and especially in freshwaters (where there is little buffering), CO2 can be used up rapidly! Plants (given enough CO2) can suck up all the free nitrogen and phosphorous in an aquarium and keep the animals healthy and happy. When not suffocating and dropping the pH as my system has done, the CO2 injection really makes the plants grow like gangbusters. I trim them occasionally and toss the cuttings in the garden - nitrogen removed! I can also have a CO2 tank in reserve if the homebrew system runs out!
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