Does anyone know any good Diptrace tutorial videos?
I watched a few on youtube, but they are taking loads of time to explain things like what a PCB is aswell, and its just not very succinct.
Please tell if you know of good Diptrace tutorial videos.?
In one of them, the guy does a schematic of a led and resistor in series, and takes ages to explain how the resistor limits the current, as you can imagine, this isnt great in a diptrace tutorial.
Does anyone know any good Diptrace tutorial videos?
I watched a few on youtube, but they are taking loads of time to explain things like what a PCB is aswell, and its just not very succinct.
Please tell if you know of good Diptrace tutorial videos.?
In one of them, the guy does a schematic of a led and resistor in series, and takes ages to explain how the resistor limits the current, as you can imagine, this isnt great in a diptrace tutorial.