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Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.
FR302 -- generic Fast Recovery, 3.0A, 100V DO-27 (Datasheet)
FR152 -- generic Fast Recovery, 1.5A, 100V DO-15 (Datasheet)
BA157 -- generic Fast Recovery, 1.0A, 400V DO-41 (Datasheet)
The 1N40xx diodes are not direct replacements, and are only 1A GP Si diodes. I suppose that the 1N4004 could be used for the BA157 if recovery times aren't important...
Similarly, 1N5401 is a 3A/100V GP Si diode, while 1N5392 is a 1.5A/100V GP Si.
FR diodes are readily available -- Mouser stocks Rectrons (among others) -- their FR152 and FR302 are direct numbered replacements; their FR104 replaces the BA157...
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