Digital Sequential Circuit

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New Member
Hello, I am confused on how to go about answering the question. The resources such as youtube, and google have proved inadequate, hence why I'm here. I hope someone with a better understanding of digital may be able to get me going on a systematic approcach on answering the following question, and future ones:

Thanks in advance guys, it's really appreciated.

You make a table of states with columns labeled Ja,Ka,Qa,Qa(t+1) ... Jc,Kc,Qc,Qc(t+1). You have 3 gates, so that makes 8 different states. Fill in the rows for each state. Start with Qa = Qb = Qc = 0 . Then you can determine what the J and K inputs are for each state and determine what the value of Q(t+1) is for the next state. Transfer the Q(t+1) value to the Q of the next row and continue from there.

For this circuit, the sequence is 0->4->6->3->1->0 . If you start from 2, then the sequence is 2->5->7->6->3->and continues with the previous sequence.


Thanks Ratch for replying. Actually I am more confused now. Would there not be 16 states A,B,C, and an input (x)?

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