design a lowpass filter

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If you need some help you should spend a liitle more time and effort to describe your problem in detail.
Up to now we know nothing else but that you are planning to design a low pass filter.
ok...this is my example lab and the coef file with lenth 89

//Fir.c FIR filter. Include coefficient file with length N

#include "bs2700.cof" //coefficient file
#include "dsk6713_aic23.h" //codec-dsk support file
Uint32 fs=DSK6713_AIC23_FREQ_8KHZ; //set sampling rate
int yn = 0; //initialize filter's output
short dly[N]; //delay samples

interrupt void c_int11() //ISR
short i;

dly[0]=input_sample(); //input newest sample
yn = 0; //initialize filter's output
for (i = 0; i< N; i++)
yn += (h * dly); //y(n) += h(i)* x(n-i)
for (i = N-1; i > 0; i--) //starting @ end of buffer
dly = dly[i-1]; //update delays with data move
output_sample(yn >> 15); //scale output filter sample

void main()
comm_intr(); //init DSK, codec, McBSP
while(1); //infinite loop

#define N 89
short h[N]={-14, 23, -9, -6, 0, 8, 16, -58, 50, 44, -147, 119, 67, -245, 200, 72, -312, 257, 53, -299, 239, 20, -165, 88, 0, 105, -236, 33, 490, -740, 158, 933, -1380, 392, 1348, -2070, 724, 1650, -2690, 1104, 1776, -3122, 1458, 1704, 29494, 1704, 1458, -3122, 1776, 1104, -2690, 1650, 724, -2070, 1348, 392, -1380, 933, 158, -740, 490, 33, -236, 105, 0, 88, -165, 20, 239, -299, 53, 257, -312, 72, 200, -245, 67, 119, -147, 44, 50, -58, 16, 8, 0, -6, -9, 23, -14};

Now my experiment is design a lowpass filter and the coef file with length 20...

can anyone help me ...please and thank
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