Hi all,
I've been googling around for a bit, and am having some trouble finding a suitable part for my needs. I need a transistor/mosfet that is "normally closed", or lets current flow usually, and will act as an open circuit if a TTL level signal is applied to the base. It also must be able to handle relatively high currents (about 3amps peak). Maybe I'm in the wrong direction totally with the transistor idea, but I basically need something in series in a power line that is normally closed, but that if a TTL signal is applied to it, it open circuits and shuts off the power, then once the signal ceases the current flows normally again. If anyone has any ideas/suggestions i would love to hear them.
I've been googling around for a bit, and am having some trouble finding a suitable part for my needs. I need a transistor/mosfet that is "normally closed", or lets current flow usually, and will act as an open circuit if a TTL level signal is applied to the base. It also must be able to handle relatively high currents (about 3amps peak). Maybe I'm in the wrong direction totally with the transistor idea, but I basically need something in series in a power line that is normally closed, but that if a TTL signal is applied to it, it open circuits and shuts off the power, then once the signal ceases the current flows normally again. If anyone has any ideas/suggestions i would love to hear them.