Hi from Argentina, this is my first post.
A friend had a Dell 2407WFPb laying on the floor of his apartment and i volunteered to repair it.
The monitor works fine but it doesn't even turn on other times.
Opened it and this was the discovery, a black transistor without markings, that looks burnt.
A leak-like stain in the PCB board around every transistor.
My first idea was to cook it like a GPU revival method but since this has PVC cables attached didn't took that route yet.
I recently added an "APC power bank and stabilizer" to my rig, because I had crash problems with mi 1080ti, after the purchase realized that I have not 220 as the electric company said, I have 189/209...
The APC was the solution for my PC, now it runs smooth.
Maybe the APC will "fix" the monitor problem as my friend does not have such a stabilizer, sure that he has less than what the monitors needs to run, but looking at those pictures I want to ask your opinion before trying to put it back together.
A friend had a Dell 2407WFPb laying on the floor of his apartment and i volunteered to repair it.
The monitor works fine but it doesn't even turn on other times.
Opened it and this was the discovery, a black transistor without markings, that looks burnt.
A leak-like stain in the PCB board around every transistor.
My first idea was to cook it like a GPU revival method but since this has PVC cables attached didn't took that route yet.
I recently added an "APC power bank and stabilizer" to my rig, because I had crash problems with mi 1080ti, after the purchase realized that I have not 220 as the electric company said, I have 189/209...
The APC was the solution for my PC, now it runs smooth.
Maybe the APC will "fix" the monitor problem as my friend does not have such a stabilizer, sure that he has less than what the monitors needs to run, but looking at those pictures I want to ask your opinion before trying to put it back together.