dc motor circuit with L293D

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i actually need the 74VHC139 to send the signal.. but i figuring how can i get the power circuit to give my 2 inputs in my motor either 1 to be high and 1 to be low

The SN75HC139 will of course send the signals you need to control the motor.

You didn't tell what your keyboard does. This is very important since only steady signals will make the motor rotate CW, CCW or STOP.

My suggested circuit contains every detail to build it on a PCB.

Your teacher doesn't seem to know anything about electronics. He wants coding and decoding of control signals which can be achieved by not only one additional IC. The input signals must be latched for stable operation, which is normally achieved by a Flip-Flop. In that case the Flip-Flop has to do the same work as two switches, just increasing the part number.

Making a circuit more expensive than necessary is beyond my logical understanding. Tell your teacher to pay back the money he has gained making "teacher".

my keypad does is actually rotate the motor CW and CCW and stop.. thats exactly what i need. im building a sliding door..
my keypad is a 4x4 keypad. so its a 2 to 4 decoder i will get my 4 bit data from the receiver, i am using the 3rd row of the keypad so its DCBA-10**, the bit D and C is to enable the motor circuit and the B and A is to control it to turn CW,CCW,stop. i really hope u can help me in this i am very lost.. i added u on msn, benjaminlim90@hotmail.com. i will be online the entire day as i hope we can discuss it on msn.. pls get back.. thank you for all your help !
You should try the Chat on this forum.
You should try the Chat on this forum.

Better yet, give us ALL the information you have and EVERYTHING you need to know here and we'll be better able to help you on the thread. Right now you're not giving us enough info, and you're not telling us exactly what you need. Instead you're just trying to rush into it. Take a few deep breaths and try a nice long post with everything we need to know. Remember: A vague question will receive a vague answer. A strong question will receive a strong answer. Simple as that.

Ok right now i have my receiver and transmitter done.. im doing a sort of universal controller. my transmitter consist of 4 by 4 keypad, RTFQ1 RF 330 transmitter module and HT12E encoder ic, my receiver- RRFQ1 RF330 receiver module and HT12D. so now i need to get the signal from my receiver to my motor driver circuit which consist of L293D ic. my teacher is asking me to built a control circuit using 2 to 4 decoder(74VHC139) to decode the data from my receiver to enable my motor to turn clockwise, counter clockwise and stop. i need to use the 3rd column and the 2 middle key of my keypad to control clockwise and counter-clockwise. which is 1001. from the decoder datasheet.. so i dont know how can i give 5v and 0v to 2 of my inputs of L293d without using a switch.. is there a way where it can be done?
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really need some guidance i provided all the information of my project.. my review is in a few days time..
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here are all my circuit, receiver and motor driver.. for my receiver i was intending to do PIC that's why u see the outputs are going to PIC but my teacher doesn't want me to do programming.
can someone advise on how i can send logic signal from output of my receiver to input of my L293 motor driver IC to 5v and 0v?
Your receiver output has 4 data bits. What do they represent? Your motor needs only 2 data bits to be reversible.
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my teacher was actually saying the 4 data bits could be use to control 4 difference appliaces with up to 4 functions..
Then just connect 2 receiver data bit lines to J2, and connect JP1 to +5V.
Sorry. For J2 read JP2 (a connector in your circuit).
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