Datasheet for RM69330 round AMOLED driver

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New Member
Hi there,

I am relatively new to the world of microcontrollers but have had a little bit of experience with displays as I have cobbled together / adapted a driver for an ili9341 adafruit SPI display.

Moving on from this I have my sights set a bit higher but want to check whether what I am thinking is possible and if anyone has any of the information I can't find.

I am looking to use a round AMOLED display with an ESP32 and have found some displays based on an RM69330 display driver (such as this: which seems to support MIPI and SPI, which seems to be backed up by the vague pinouts I have seen that have SPI labled pins.

One problem I am running into is that I cannot find a datasheet for the RM69330, or any written drivers, which would make it very difficult to use the screen.

Additionally I am not sure what I would need to plan in terms of additional components (resistors, capacitors, etc.) to use the screen as I assume they would be needed.

Does any one have any experience with any of these screens or know of anywhere with a write up or code detailing them?

Thanks in advance for any advice you might have.
This may help, it's for a display using the RM69330:

According to that, it does use a MIPI interface which appears to have a fixed format and command set.
More info on that here:

The device data also shows SPI signals - but possibly only for configuration?
Hi there,

Thank you for the datasheet, I can see SPI pins in the list but you think they may only be available for configuration rather than general use of the screen?

Unfortunately I dont believe the ESP32 can run a MIPI DSI screen.
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