Hi again everyone
Everyone needs to power their projects, so everyone at some point needs to build something that connects to a wall. I was thinking about building myself a work bench with some form of mains circuitry protection - basically I plug this circuit into the actual wall, and it provides a somewhat safer "mains" level outlet for me.
My thoughts are having a bank of circuit breakers on the board used to set a current limit in case of a short - can you find breakers that will trip at 1A or so? If so, can you get 20 of them and wire the breakers in parallel, only increasing as you know you need additional current? This would prevent the entire wall circuit from tripping.
I would probably also implement some sort of large, easy to press kill switch. Additionally, an isolation transformer.
Though probably not to start, I might eventually add an AC ammeter and voltmeter to the box just to keep tabs on how much power I am drawing.
Does anyone have thoughts on this, or already done something like it? Mains will never be truly safe (i.e., foolproof), but I figure if it's something I'm going to do on a regular basis I might as well make it as safe as possible. This has the added benefit of not having to go to the circuit breaker box every time I blow something, and also not inadvertently shutting down devices connected to the same circuit (I try to experiment on otherwise empty circuits anyway, but...)
Everyone needs to power their projects, so everyone at some point needs to build something that connects to a wall. I was thinking about building myself a work bench with some form of mains circuitry protection - basically I plug this circuit into the actual wall, and it provides a somewhat safer "mains" level outlet for me.
My thoughts are having a bank of circuit breakers on the board used to set a current limit in case of a short - can you find breakers that will trip at 1A or so? If so, can you get 20 of them and wire the breakers in parallel, only increasing as you know you need additional current? This would prevent the entire wall circuit from tripping.
I would probably also implement some sort of large, easy to press kill switch. Additionally, an isolation transformer.
Though probably not to start, I might eventually add an AC ammeter and voltmeter to the box just to keep tabs on how much power I am drawing.
Does anyone have thoughts on this, or already done something like it? Mains will never be truly safe (i.e., foolproof), but I figure if it's something I'm going to do on a regular basis I might as well make it as safe as possible. This has the added benefit of not having to go to the circuit breaker box every time I blow something, and also not inadvertently shutting down devices connected to the same circuit (I try to experiment on otherwise empty circuits anyway, but...)