New Member
*REMINDER: im a reall nooby... T_T so sory please forgive... i just want to learn...*
THE project... computer and key pad controlled roll down action white board....(1x1 meter size) so yeah im gona need ASSEMBLY lang. for this.
-cd rom like mechanical behavior..
-i think one motor is enough for this... multi motors.... still considered as one motor since they behave in sync...
-operated by keypad:
.roll down = the board simply rolls down... and holds...(board is now rolled down and idle)
.roll up = the board simply rolls up... and holds...(board is now rolled up and idle)
*in case of immediate shut down .... last command should be to roll up... so on the next restart the board rolls up in auto...
" Which is Which!? Which port is best to put my input(keypad) and output(bidirectional motor)....?"
i have an INTEX PCI multi i/o controller card... which has 2 serial and 1 parallel ....
THE project... computer and key pad controlled roll down action white board....(1x1 meter size) so yeah im gona need ASSEMBLY lang. for this.
-cd rom like mechanical behavior..
-i think one motor is enough for this... multi motors.... still considered as one motor since they behave in sync...
-operated by keypad:
.roll down = the board simply rolls down... and holds...(board is now rolled down and idle)
.roll up = the board simply rolls up... and holds...(board is now rolled up and idle)
*in case of immediate shut down .... last command should be to roll up... so on the next restart the board rolls up in auto...
" Which is Which!? Which port is best to put my input(keypad) and output(bidirectional motor)....?"
i have an INTEX PCI multi i/o controller card... which has 2 serial and 1 parallel ....