Hi all,
I've a zero-cross detect circuit of sorts, which detects at around the 300mV point. It was simulated in LTSpice. Once built it works 50% of the time on start-up and the other 50% of the time the output remains in a high state and sometimes 'self-corrects' after a minute. Here's the circuit (please note there is a 14k 3V pull up not shown on the output).
The comparator is diven by a 5V supply. AC is 1-200Hz of varying voltage. The first diode protects against any reverse flow as the bridge the ground flows through is not rated to the potential voltage of ac2. I chose a silicon instead of a zener mostly to get the crossover point <1v.
And the simulation across a increasing voltage/frequency spectrum.
When it works the scope shows:
Non inverted -
Inverted -
When it's not working the inputs are the same but it's latched high.
Any suggestions are most welcome!
I've a zero-cross detect circuit of sorts, which detects at around the 300mV point. It was simulated in LTSpice. Once built it works 50% of the time on start-up and the other 50% of the time the output remains in a high state and sometimes 'self-corrects' after a minute. Here's the circuit (please note there is a 14k 3V pull up not shown on the output).
The comparator is diven by a 5V supply. AC is 1-200Hz of varying voltage. The first diode protects against any reverse flow as the bridge the ground flows through is not rated to the potential voltage of ac2. I chose a silicon instead of a zener mostly to get the crossover point <1v.
And the simulation across a increasing voltage/frequency spectrum.
When it works the scope shows:
Non inverted -
Inverted -
When it's not working the inputs are the same but it's latched high.
Any suggestions are most welcome!