Car- Help with simple circuit

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New Member
Hey im new to the forums but was hoping i could get some help Please have a quick read as im sure it wont take long for you to steer me in the right direction.

Im needed what im sure for many of you will be a simple circuit to be drawn up or atleast explained to me.

Basically im wanting to wire an altenate break light to my car.

It will be made from a series of LEDS which id like to run in parralel so each can have its own resistor should something go wrong.

I need it to have the following characteristics.
-RED leds light up when park/headlights are enganged...just like normal brake lights do.
-RED leds light up brighter...or more leds light up when the break is engaged.
-WHITE leds white up when the reversing lights are engaged(obviously at this point i want the red to be turnt off)

Would also be good to have the ability to change the first 2 required settings to a set of blue leds with the flick of a toggle switch

Thanks heaps
Hi, Welcome to the forums!

There are alot of topics like this. LED tail light projects are popular. Do a quick google search or use the search button here and you will ind alot of ways this can be done.

For the 2 levels of brightness, you can simply use two differnt values of resistor (higher value for dimmer lights) or you can use PWM. If your not familiar with PWM, you can look that up here too. A simple 555 timer circuit will work well.

To turn your white LEDs on, you will have to hook them into the factory reverse lights that are controlled by a switch on the transmission.

You can use a toggle switch to simply change what set of leds are on. Either red or blue.

Beware blue tail lights will get you a ticket unless you just use them offroad or at shows.
thanks heaps for the reply i will have a look around sorry

Yeah understand the blue lights being illegal not to worrie the car is for semi show use thats the only reason i want the option of blue or red
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