cadsoft eagle glitch?

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Active Member
I have a board design i'm working on, and it involves a close number of resistors and other components... so close that its not practical to have the part number and value for each single part... so i use the smash tool to separate the the value and name, and then delete. this has worked all over my board, except for a new section I recently drew.

when I smash, the text separates, and then I can delete it... as soon as I do a refresh, zoom or ratsnest render, bam, all the names and values are back!

has anyone else noticed this oddity?

I am using the latest free version from cadsoft, no hacks cracks or other monkey business.
Change the Library

I recall having the same problem awhile back. I believe the solution had to do with changing the text to the tplace layer in the package library. This might be more trouble than it's worth. I think I'd opt for willib's technique if I came accross it again.
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