Broadcast Legistllation.....

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Well-Known Member
Finally the Gov does something for the people. Hahahahaha

Make Broadcasters put a filter on their audio. Bringing it down to one level.

Golf Clap. (Government)

That sounds very good to me as i've had the commercial programs go very high in volume while the normal program is very low.

Next on the list: Commercials can only appear once per unit time on any given channel. Once per 6 hour period might be ok, once per day even better. Im sick of seeing the same ad over and over and over and over and over again while watching a program i like. Those advertisers are nuts playing the same ad over and over again. Im my estimation this does them much more harm than good because they only annoy the prospective customer!
Hope it aint because of the carpet salesman trying to leave the closet without you knowing was it ............

Hahaha, byran. :wink:

I had that problem with my ex-girlfriend.

But, the only problem. I was the guy in the closet.hehe

Edit: I had that problem, before I met my wife.
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Don't even say that..... more commercials.

They might just double them up. Broadcaster's will just give'em a 2 for 1.

Screw it. Time to get a DVR or go with something like Apple TV or something. Start programming my own stuff.
Oh my god, they actually legislated that finally? That almost makes me want to put faith back into the FCC! My wife will love this.
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