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New Member
Hello guys , i am preparing for my exams and i am trying to solve this.
Can someone tell me if i calculated Rin and Rout correctly? I am not sure if i should use β*re or β(re+Re).
Thank you in advance, i am really stuck.
This is a emmiter follower right?
1) You had better put a capacitor in series with your input voltage source or it will short out your bias circuit.
2) What does u o and u o in the units description of the resistors mean? I am used to seeing resistance units described in ohms.

Can someone tell me if i calculated Rin and Rout correctly? I am not sure if i should use *re or

Input resistance is (β+1)(re+Re). The current through Re is the same as the current through re, and the emitter current is (β+1) which is the collector + base current .
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