A buddy designed/built a product with 21 of above SSR's using PWM control to 21 "motors"** controlled using 1kHz PWM from Arduino. All SSR channels failed with a thermal short-circuit inside when the load current rating was believed to be within the SSR specs using a 24V supply with a 60V rating.
When one SSR was opened up, it revealed that the design was completely different from the simple schematic screened on the outside. Instead of an optoisolator and BJT, it used a quarter sized printed coil with a small coil centered on the other side. The SSR was used in the high-side of load and the failed part appears to be an SMB TVS across the output of a 50A rated Nch FET on a 1W eff. copper area.
Tear-down with step ramp Vdc tests begin tomorrow. The PWM rate is not easily changed but may be too fast for this motor with excessive flyback energy. I plan to add a flyback power diode to 24V rather than rely on the TVS.
The motor** is actually a magnetic brake to a rotating shaft with 320 W mechanical load rating.
The specs of 0.74 - 3.0A and power to 2.6W seem to be inconsistent.
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