Biblical evidence of The Big Bang Theory

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Hello, I'm sure most people know by now that the Holy Bible was translated into English, and other languages, from mostly Hebrew(Aramaic) & Greek. In the King James version, Genesis 1: 1 begins, "In the beginning God created...". When you do a word study you find out that the word that was translated, "In", is actually #1722 meaning "golden", from the root word #2091 meaning "to shimmer golden", in the Strong's Concordance.
So actually Gen. 1: 1 should read, " In the shimmering golden beginning God created...".
Sounds like a Big Bang to me...
Why would the translators overlook this fact? Maybe they didn't understand what God meant.
So myself being a Christian, I have no problem with the Big Bang Theory. I just believe that The Word of God made it happen when He spoke the universe into existence.
So what do you think about this?
Thanks for your time.
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My view is that humans will get along much better with each other when they all manage to grow up and abandon organised religion in all its forms.

I have another view, this thread could be skating on thin ice.

My view is that humans will get along much better with each other when they all manage to grow up and abandon organised religion in all its forms.

I have another view, this thread could be skating on thin ice.

My sentiments exactly...... Tread carefully!!!
My view is that humans will get along much better with each other when they all manage to grow up and abandon organised religion in all its forms.

I have another view, this thread could be skating on thin ice.

I have no worries - I'm on thick ice.
But I agree with the problem of organized religion. Also you have the fact that evil people gravitate toward positions within religion, politics, law enforcement, academia, etc.
Who's God?
God Almighty, His Majesty on High. And His son Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
It's very simple, Jesus Christ is the only name men are trying to destroy, even in the USA. They don't attack Muslims or anyone else, just Christians. Even Homeland Security lists Christians as an enemy.
That should wake most people up, but it doesn't.
There is many people within the confines of planet earth... The majority do not see things the way you do..

All I'm saying is this topic will be a complete mess unless I keep an eye on it.... As soon as it starts to upset ANY member.... snip...
There is many people within the confines of planet earth... The majority do not see things the way you do..

All I'm saying is this topic will be a complete mess unless I keep an eye on it.... As soon as it starts to upset ANY member.... snip...
Nobody is forcing them to read the article. If they think it will upset them, they should simply not click onto it.
I think you mean if a crybaby cries about it you will snip it.
BTW, if someone had a thread with something about Allah, I just simply wouldn't read it because I'm not interested. But I wouldn't cry about it and try to make yall snip it.
Now if the person was just evangelizing without an interesting point, then yes, snip it.
I agree!! But they will read and they will comment!! I've seen threads become nasty... Some people do not want a debate... They'll just put you down!!!
I agree!! But they will read and they will comment!! I've seen threads become nasty... Some people do not want a debate... They'll just put you down!!!
Well then delete their comments. But I'm not going to play their game. You won't see those kind of comments from me. And I'm not going to argue. If they ask me a question then I'll answer it.
... So myself being a Christian, I have no problem with the Big Bang Theory. I just believe that The Word of God made it happen when He spoke the universe into existence.
So what do you think about this?...

Irrespective of one's faith (or lack thereof), I feel that the scientific pursuit of a definitive explanation (or any aspect, for that matter) of the origin of the Universe is the pursuit of the starting point of a circle.

So, if nothing else, where's the harm in assigning that origin as one's sees fit? I can, for instance, select any point on a circle and declare that "The is the start of the circle.": Who could prove me wrong?
Hi cowboybob,
I see your point. But I don't want to deviate from the main purpose of this thread, which is to extinguish the argument that science & religion are always at odds with each other. That's a false assumption made mainly by people that have not devoted any research on the matter.
I'll give you another example:
In Gen 1: 6, if you research the word translated, "firmament", you'll find out that the literal meaning in the Hebrew language is, "a separation of plates". Of course we now call it, Plate Tectonics.
Years ago most men of science believed in God. 50 years ago only 50% did. This number keeps going down largely because of:
"science is the enemy of the church", "historians are lyres and are out to destroy.....", "archeologist hate God", "the government wants to kill the church", etc.
Faced with a continual stream of "God said (fill in the blank) so science is wrong and you are going to hell" there is only two choices I can see:
1) reject your god.
2) reject the way most people portray their god. (includes find alternate meanings for what was written years ago)

I am at 1.5 based on the above points.

I am studying all religions that come from Abraham.
I think Genesis 1 is a song and not the creation story. It appears to be 500 to 1000 years younger than Gen 2:4 and on.
Gen 2:4 'Here is the history of the earth and heavens......' A very different story
A belated Welcome, rc3po!
rc3po said:
... I don't want to deviate from the main purpose of this thread, which is to extinguish the argument that science & religion are always at odds with each other
A perfectly reasonable effort.

I also find myself, at times, frustrated with what I consider to be the specious argument that science and religion cannot coexist.

I have an acquaintance who is an atheist. I have no problem with that. It's his choice to make. But at times he finds it necessary to announce that a belief in in God is irrational (or worse, that it is stupid).

I point out to him that his faith (i.e., there is no God) is no more provable than my belief that there is.

It is our nature to seek answers. To exclude any avenue of enlightenment (science, religion, tea leaves) is to intentionally exclude oneself from certain stacks of the library.

Since you were not present at that time, you cannot aver that with certainty. What you do know for certain is that the universe was created, and that takes a Creator. Nothing comes into existence by itself. Many folks go off track when they try to use science to explain how the universe was created. Science can explain how the universe operates, but not how it was made. That question is completely outside of what science is capable of doing, or even beyond human comprehension. So would any verbal or written description be inadequate.

Your faith or beliefs, and what others think of you are irrelevant with respect to the existence of the universe, and how it came into being.

"In Gen 1: 6, if you research the word translated, "firmament", you'll find out that the literal meaning in the Hebrew language is, "a separation of plates". Of course we now call it, Plate Tectonics. "

Then, how does that jive with Psalm 19:1 KJV The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork ? I interpret "firmament" to be a noun depicting solid mass, not a verb describing plantetary upheavals.


So, did you join this forum to talk about bible or technology? I would suggest that you keep the religious stuff to yourself.. I respect your religious beliefs, but this is the wrong forum for that kind of debate.

There are three things that are not good topics if you want to avoid conflict: religion, disease and politics. The middle one is synonymous to the first and third. Also notice how religion is as far away from politics as possible.
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God Almighty, His Majesty on High. And His son Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Duke Henry: I am Henry the Red, Duke of Shale, Lord of the Northland and leader of its peoples.
Ash: Well, hello, Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you, pal, you ain't leadin' but two things right now: Jack and ****... and Jack left town.
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