I want to make a battery charger LiIon with a micro controller.
I study about Li-Ion battery, charging methods and ...
LiIon should be charge with Constant Current/Constant Voltage method.
So we should be able to control current and voltage of charger.
So I use PWM for controlling these signals.
PWM On/Off Fets for charging with determined current and voltage
and with ADC we measured the voltage and current.
After reading the current and voltage, the duty cycle must be changed
if needed(change with PWM).
Now I want know, Should be stop the PWM when I want to measure voltage
and current?If yes, why? or if no, why?
please help me.
I want to make a battery charger LiIon with a micro controller.
I study about Li-Ion battery, charging methods and ...
LiIon should be charge with Constant Current/Constant Voltage method.
So we should be able to control current and voltage of charger.
So I use PWM for controlling these signals.
PWM On/Off Fets for charging with determined current and voltage
and with ADC we measured the voltage and current.
After reading the current and voltage, the duty cycle must be changed
if needed(change with PWM).
Now I want know, Should be stop the PWM when I want to measure voltage
and current?If yes, why? or if no, why?
please help me.