Basic Robtics.

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New Member
Hey..Can anyone help guide me how to make a simple robot..?
I just dont know how to start ...
pls help me..
thx in advance.
That is a good site but it does not list such a extensive range of designs etc etc. but its still good
In order to build a robot its is necessary to be able to program a microcontroller and know the basics of electronics(which motor to use and how an interface has to be created between microcontroller and motor).

A stepper motor is employed to achieve moment of the robot and stepper motor is controlled by the microcontroller. To achieve movement in different multiple stepper motors are employed. One motor to move forward and backward, other motor to move right and left.

The concept is entirely simple.

Make yourself comfortable with some designs available. Then you can start designing on your own. All the best chap.
hey it is easy man.
first go for any workshop held near to your locality

when we cant answer a question its better to keep quite. It similar to the quote when you cant create something, you have no right to destroy. Encourage them or when one day you ask, everyone will make fun of you.
Going to a robotics workshop or local robot club meeting is a good suggestion. Maybe you misunderstood him?
Also, knowing microcontrollers is NOT a requirement for building robots.
There is a whole world of BEAM robots.
I made robots before I knew about microcontrollers.
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