Astable multivib flasher problem

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New Member
Another noob here. Sry to bother, but I'd be much obliged if someone would solve my problem.
I'm trying to assemble an astable multivibrator LED flasher, got all the parts, hooked them up, but it just lights, doesn't blink.
Here's the schematic I thought would work, according to Circuit applet, but hey, guess what.
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The stuff I use is as follows:
2x 2n2222A transistors,
2x yellow 5mm LEDs
2x 100Ohms
2x 1k Ohms
2x 100uF capacitors

Considering the fact that I'm new, I don't have that board that lets you experiment with your circuits, and I made an improvised PCB on a CD casing. So maybe I even shorted it somewhere, but as far as I can see, that's not the case.
Nearly correct, move the junctions of the capacitors to the other side of the LED's, i.e the capacitors go directly to the transistor collectors. If you are using polarised capacitors, the + end goes to the collectors, I hope that helps you
You can put the LEDs here;

Or here;
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Or like in the first pat of this circuit;
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Just not where you put them.
Thanks a lot.Would it be possible to increase the frequency of flashing if I use 200Ohm resistors instead of 1k ones?
Thanks a lot.Would it be possible to increase the frequency of flashing if I use 200Ohm resistors instead of 1k ones?
200 ohms may be to small try something closer to 1K ohms.
Thanks a bunch, guys. Works like a charm. Just one more question. If I wanna make a one sided blinker, what should I put instead of one of the LEDs? Probably a diode, but is it possible to use a resistor?
If you use one or two diodes you should be able to keep your timing symmetrical.
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