Article section

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I only asked because 3v0 said he promoted my Eagle tutorial to an article, but I do not see it. Is that because it is not published? Who publishes it, the mods? I wrote the tutorial in Word to maintain formatting.

Hi Mike,

The mods have a button to use "Promote to Article" on any post, 3v0 would have used that but did not specify the category. You should now be able to view the article by clicking on the Theory tab and it'll be listed as the first article (only you and the mods can see it as it's still unpublished).

You can edit the article by clicking the Pen icon to the right of the article title (the icon only shows up when you are hovering over the title with you mouse).. Click it and you can edit the article.. Articles can be edited and updated indefinitely so a great place for the tutorial.

BTW, I looked at the doc file and it looks fantastic! It'll be a very popular article and will benefit many members. Let me know if you have any questions about the article publisher

Thanks Em, glad you liked it. I am not a forum contributor but I hope I add content that helps your site

One more question, I found some grammar errors in my word doc. Can I just upload a changed word doc to correct this? And how does one publish the article.


P.S. I plan to add more Eagle tutorials as this seems to be a good fit for this forum.
Hi Mike,

Yes you can just upload a new one and it will be fine. You may not be able to publish it, will have to check permissions. There should be an option in the top right of the article editor to select published or not. If not I will do it for you later

Too Quick for ya EM, I just read this post and had a quick look and published it for Mike.

My first published thread and if either I see one worthy or any member can contact me in chat where I often am I'll be happy to have a look.

Regards Bryan
Hi Mike,

The mods have a button to use "Promote to Article" on any post, 3v0 would have used that but did not specify the category. ...

I looked at the categories and did not see one that fit. Do not see where a tutorial (of this sort) is theory ?
At any rate I am glad to see that Mikes work is now an article.

What happened to the code repository idea ?
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As this part of the forum is open for idea's
What happened to the code repository idea ?
I am all for it as Pommie, Mike K8LH and several other forum members have suggested this is a great idea.

EM could you look to provide this please.

I do feel a code repository is needed but the subject needs to be discussed as for the different flavors of coding sections will need to be created. My quirk is currently there is only one Oshonsoft Basic forum on the net and this forum will be a great host for this flavor of basic. As this forum is open for idea's come guys heres a couple bring em on.....

Regards Bryan
Hi Guys,

The is still there but i need to tweak it.. I plan to add a link to it also. Just got to find the time to do it

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