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ARGHHH!!!! Can't find the right connector

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I'm working on a project in which I need to modify a desktop LCD monitor. As part of doing this I need to extend a cable inside the monitor. The problem is I want to avoid cutting into the cable and ending up with a bunch of little wires I'd have to either crimp or solder. So, the idea I had was to find some connectors that are compatible to the connectors that are already on the cable that needs extending and then I can make an extension cable. But I can't find these connectors for the life of me. I included some pictures of the cable in question. There are two female connectors on the cable (one at each end...duh). There is a lighter colored connector and a black connector. The black connector is a rectangular connector with 2 rows of 16 conductors at a .075" (1.91 mm) pitch. It mates to 2 pin strip headers soldered into a board inside the monitor. The lighter colored connector is also a rectangular connector but is only a single row of 20 conductors spaced at .05" (as best as I can tell). I also need to buy some breakaway pin strip headers with a .075" spacing that I can't find. Can someone please help me find these connectors or at least point me in the right direction? I'm desperate here. Thanks.


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Those are two different connectors, the chances of you finding a supplier for a ready made extended version of the same thing are just about nill, just the same as finding an extension for either end of it.

There really aren't that many wires there, pick a spot in the middle, label things carefully and cut the sucker in half, solder extensions on, you'll spend less time doing that than you will finding a 'neat' solution.

By the way, why is there a ribbon ferrite suppressor on a bundle of cables like that? While you're at it yank that sucker off there and put an appropriate round suppressor, with a turn or two for good measure since you're increasing the length.
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Sceadwian is right...chances of you finding the *exact* connectors are pretty slim, doesn't mean to say you're out of options though.

0.75" pitch? I don't tihnk I've heard of that...2mm seems really popular in the computing world (its a standard in japan I believe)...although I'm sure you measured correctly.

As for 0.05" pitch, that a standard anywhere, headers, both male and female, or crimp housings.

You could always just hotglue the black connector on its side to a bit of plastic or something, then solder wires to some pins (taken from a standard header), poke them in, and soler the other end of the wire to a 0.05" female header. Then just hold the whole lot in place with more hotglue. (Hotglue can always be removed easily, but holds things in place).

Its a dirty idea, but it should work, plus its not completely permenant or destructive. Either way,when you find the connectors or not, you're gonna have to solder :D

One more thing, long ****, but if you know the model of the laptop, you could search ebay for 'spares', as they seem to have LOTS of wiring assemblies for various laptops, whether its flex cable or monitor connectors.

Thanks for the replies.

0.75" pitch? I don't tihnk I've heard of that...2mm seems really popular in the computing world (its a standard in japan I believe)...although I'm sure you measured correctly.

.075" pitch does exist. I had never heard of it before starting this project either. It's uncommon but I was able to find a few connectors on mouser and digikey with .075" pitch. None of them worked for me though.

That point aside, thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt but I'm an idiot and I didn't measure correctly. I realized my mistake last night. I measured the distance between pin centers from end to end. The distance was 30mm. There were 16 pins in the row so 30mm/16 = 1.875 mm from pin center to pin center. I thought that the 1.875 mm I came up with was the result of a slight mis-measurement and what I actually had was 1.90 mm or .075". Well, unfortunately I should have divided by 15 because there are 15 spaces in between 16 pins. DUH!!! When I do that I get a much more standard 2mm pitch. I found that size pretty quickly and have already ordered the connectors from mouser. Finding a 1mm pitch 28 AWG ribbon cable that I could buy by the foot to go with it was a little more of a challenge but I found and ordered that too.

long ****

Funny typo.

if you know the model of the laptop, you could search ebay for 'spares', as they seem to have LOTS of wiring assemblies for various laptops, whether its flex cable or monitor connectors.

Good suggestion except it's not an LCD from a laptop. It's from a desktop LCD monitor.
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LOL that was a funny typo..... just for the record incase admin wants to spank me or something, should have been 'Long Shot' :D

Ahh 2mm ;) I had my suspicions because I've done the same thing when measuring pitch......number of ways -1 !!! A bit of mental arithmatic and I saw that it 'could' be 2mm but I didn't want to sound like I was being rude :)

SO, 2mm pitch headers, both female, AND male cable mounted can be found...and yep, the 1mm pitch ribbon cable for <30m quantities is a damn good find. I'm still thinking you would need at least 'some' soldering.

Sometimes when I need 'adapters' for one-off's I'll use a PCB as a base for it. Doesn't have to be etched or anything, I have even cut grooves out of plain copper clad with a knife or dremel for 1mm pitch for flex cable connectors. Sometimes helps neaten up a mess of wires,at the expense of hassle, and perhaps size.

Good luck, looks like you've sorted this one then :)

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