Anyone know what these are called??

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New Member
I ripped open a musical toothbrush i had laying around to find out what was making the sound, and found a little metal thing, tha has a metal plate that vibrates with the sound. When you press it onto something, it acts like a speaker, but using whatever you pressed it onto as a "cone". Anyone have any idea's what these things are called?
It's a piezoelectric disk.
Same thing you get in watches and other cheep 'beepy' stuff such as greetings cards.
It's not a peizoelectric disk, it is much smaller and the sound is actually quite resonable. It looks like a peice of metal mounted to a small speaker cone. I will try get some pictures, but its not a flat peizo disk like you find in smoke detectors etc.
Yeah its like that thing, except its just the bare sound producer. I can tell its not peizoelectroc, since thos little disks usually have crap bass responce, this is quite good. When i push down on the little metal bit, you can actually feel it going down, and a little click at the end. I'm pretty sure its just a peice of metal mounted to a speaker cone, but i know theres a proper name for them.
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