anyone can do this ??

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New Member
hello evryone

i have to do small project for this semester am not so good in the electronics design so all i want is a simple circuit which i can implement and understand ..

the fileds am intrested in are :-

**Transmition and recption of data
**PIC and sensro circuits
**any circuit include mobiles like sensor pic GSM mobile interface

or any simple circuit... u have please suply me with so i can do my projct cuz i dont have much time and i have much load of book to study ..
i welcome any sugestion or goood links u have

if anyone can help please do best wishes and bye

have nice day thanks for reading all this
m_sh84 said:
**Transmition and recption of data
**PIC and sensro circuits
**any circuit include mobiles like sensor pic GSM mobile interface

If I was in school, I think I'd opt for a RFID project. There are so much uses for the technology, it's hard to pick a particular application.

If you can come up with a basic design, I'm sure a lot of people here will be glad to help.
Search for an FM transmitter circuit on the internet, build it, and tune your FM radio to a weak station. Experiment well with both items.

Now make a receiver. Look for superregen, or superhet designs.
Don't forget to use antennas. They improve range and reception.
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