All newbie questions now! And normally trolly.

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Most Helpful Member
Just hit the new posts button and every single post is from a new member and about some whacky stuff. How did this board go down hill so fast?

I blame the current POTUS. Everything's his fault!
No, wait...
(well, not no, but wait anyway...)
I blame Covid19. Everything's it's fault!
Oh, hang on a minute...
I blame Christmas! Everything goes crazy at that time!
I know!
It's the maker revolution! People want to make stuff, yay! But they lack knowledge, booo! So they hit forums with dumb questions based on misinformation they found somewhere...
So they hit forums with dumb questions based on misinformation they found somewhere...

I'm not sure it's even that. It's more "I don't have any experience at all, but I want to build my own cell phone. Tell me how." No effort to research and understand anything. Jump off the high dive without checking if there's water in the pool....or even a pool at all.
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