Adding more idea/function on water sensor

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where to get heater element switched ? is it a circuit where to buy that off net and it ship international ?
where to get heater element switched ? is it a circuit where to buy that off net and it ship international ?

where are you located???

a heater element is just a simple device availible almost everywhere on earth you can either switch it with pulses or reduce the voltage to control the emited heat

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I can not imagin that you have a hard time to get all these things for your project

almost everything that is made in china and europe ends somehow in singapore

............. there's only a place that sells these stuffs...... I never seen heater element switched before in the electronic tower unless I'm going to buy something that cost a lot which is unnecessary. Anyway whats the point putting a heater element switched on my project when the project is about sensing water . Your right it " ends somehow " but they dont all end in singapore. Most electronic kits are branded future kits and other unmade kits are mostly seperated
So right now i really need some help getting more stuffs or circuits or anything combination of the water sensor

You lost me now

few posts you ask for some ideas to ad on your project now it's not necessary
a heater element is a resistive load that warms up it's used in washing mashines pool/spa coffee maker and so on

you can control the heat emision by controling the frequency you switch the element on/of or you adjust the voltage given to the element

How do you make a box with a cover/gate that it will open itself when the certain amount of water inside forcing it to open ?
How do you make a box with a cover/gate that it will open itself when the certain amount of water inside forcing it to open ?

Forget asking questions, find something built in the US and then copy it and hand it in, I'm sure you'll get a good grade! Seems to happen all too often overseas...

Make a rain sensor and add this to it:

Sorry if I seem bitter, but you go to school to learn not to go online and ask to be spoon fed.
Rofl if is that easy , i wont be here asking for help... The lecturers here need us to do it everything in the school not at home or anywhere
There is a clear difference between being spoon fed and asking a question. The internet is a huge source of data, a 1/2hr spent on Google on your part doing some basic research will show people here that you are putting forth an effort. As compared to saying "well how does that work?" or "well how do I do that?". If you show an effort on your part then I am sure you will get a lot more feedback on the forum's part.

Agree with you 100%

It's all about the showing the right attitude

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