I have a broadcast am/fm/lw receiver I use for 162kc time code reception, they used to broadcast audio but now its just a psk modulated carrier so its hard to tune with a cheap radio.
I found the agc filter cap for the am side, it has 1v with no signal and 0.8v with a moderate strength station, as expected the higher signal the lower the voltage and therefore gain.
I was wondering how to roughly calibrate either a meter movement or a Lm3915 as an S meter, would the max signal be about 0.6v?, as f ar as I can tell the agc bus goes to the mixer/osc and the first of 2 If stages.
this could be done with an expensive yaesu however this is what I have.
I found the agc filter cap for the am side, it has 1v with no signal and 0.8v with a moderate strength station, as expected the higher signal the lower the voltage and therefore gain.
I was wondering how to roughly calibrate either a meter movement or a Lm3915 as an S meter, would the max signal be about 0.6v?, as f ar as I can tell the agc bus goes to the mixer/osc and the first of 2 If stages.
this could be done with an expensive yaesu however this is what I have.