adc errors in mplab pic16f877

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New Member
hi there i wrote this program so that wuth a simple potentiometer i will see results on leds but it is giving me erros. can someone help me plas? thanks
code is below with the errors at the end.

#include <htc.h>

void delay(unsigned char itime);

void main (void)
TRISAbits.TRISA=0; //RA0 input for analog
TRISC=0xC0H; //RC0, RC1 are set as outputs
TRISD=0x00; //D is set as output


ADCON0bits.GO=1; //start converting

void delay (unsigned char itime)
unsigned int i,j;
for(i=0; i<itime; i++)

Error [844] C:\Program Files\HI-TECH Software\PICC\9.80\include\pic1687x.h; 22. lexical error
Error [876] C:\Program Files\HI-TECH Software\PICC\9.80\include\pic1687x.h; 22. syntax error
Error [845] GLCD.pre; 6. symbol "volatile" defined more than once
Error [845] GLCD.pre; 6. symbol "unsigned" defined more than once
Error [845] GLCD.pre; 6. symbol "char" defined more than once
Error [844] GLCD.pre; 6. lexical error
Error [876] GLCD.pre; 6. syntax error
Error [845] GLCD.pre; 7. symbol "volatile" defined more than once
Error [845] GLCD.pre; 7. symbol "unsigned" defined more than once
Error [845] GLCD.pre; 7. symbol "char" defined more than once
Error [844] GLCD.pre; 7. lexical error
Error [876] GLCD.pre; 7. syntax error
Error [845] GLCD.pre; 8. symbol "volatile" defined more than once
Error [845] GLCD.pre; 8. symbol "unsigned" defined more than once
Error [845] GLCD.pre; 8. symbol "char" defined more than once
Error [844] GLCD.pre; 8. lexical error
Error [876] GLCD.pre; 8. syntax error
Error [845] GLCD.pre; 9. symbol "volatile" defined more than once
Error [845] GLCD.pre; 9. symbol "unsigned" defined more than once
Error [845] GLCD.pre; 9. symbol "char" defined more than once
Error [844] GLCD.pre; 9. lexical error
Advisory[1] too many errors (21)
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