I'm working on a project that will need to use standard 1.5V batteries to run the power antenna from a car. I want to use AA batteries to do this, but i'm concerned they will not be able to handle the current draw.
Since power antennas run off of 12V car batteries, I will need to have 8 x 1.5V batteries connected in series to achieve that voltage. A standard AA battery is rated about 2400mAh. In theory, that should provide me with 2.4Amps for 1 hour. I only need to run the power antenna for less than a minute though, so capacity should not be an issue.
I had trouble finding how much current a power antenna draws, but I believe it's in the range of 500mA. Since I will have a load on the antenna, it could draw considerably more - maybe 1-2Amps. My concern is the batteries will not be able to handle that much of a current load. I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on this for me?
Since power antennas run off of 12V car batteries, I will need to have 8 x 1.5V batteries connected in series to achieve that voltage. A standard AA battery is rated about 2400mAh. In theory, that should provide me with 2.4Amps for 1 hour. I only need to run the power antenna for less than a minute though, so capacity should not be an issue.
I had trouble finding how much current a power antenna draws, but I believe it's in the range of 500mA. Since I will have a load on the antenna, it could draw considerably more - maybe 1-2Amps. My concern is the batteries will not be able to handle that much of a current load. I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on this for me?