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8 bit binary of ADC0804 to decimal view in & segment.

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Here is the ckt that i tried on multisim.....Also here i have provided an i/p 00011111 manually instead of using adc0808
or you can use ADC0804, that will be more easy to use than ADC0808. if you are working only at a one input.
Here is the ckt that i tried on multisim.....Also here i have provided an i/p 00011111 manually instead of using adc0808

I didn't check everything in your circuit, but one thing I noticed is that pin 4 (INH/CPI) of U1 (4526 at top) is tied high. It should be tied to ground. You also have inverter U11 added for some reason, but shouldn't be there. So, check everything for errors.

The convert pulse needs only to be high for 200 nanoseconds (or longer). The clock is better to have a low duty cycle 5%-20%, but most any duty cycle will do if the clock frequency is low (KHz).
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Yeah, just ignore that small circle next to the pin. It is there only as an aid to let the user know that the pin is active low. The circle is not intended to represent an external inverter.
@ccurtis , sir . i just want to know , if this circuit can be aLso impLemented using 7400 series of ic's ?
if yes , can i design a combinationaL circuit using 7495 (4-bit shift register) , 7483 (4-bit fuLL adder) , 7447 (7segment decoder) for dispLay .. and with a 555 timer ?

i need this so freakin bad . our instructor task us to design a combinational circuit that wiLL impLement the following :

- 2 input (using switches)
- 2 digit/input (max vaLue 99) : 1100011 <- 7-bit
- bin to bcd
- bcd to 7segment - for dispLay

seLector (1-4 Line decoder)
00 ->
01 -> 7 bit fuLL adder (pureLy Logic circuit ) no speciaL ic to be used ..
10 -> 7 bit fuLL adder/subtractor (pureLy Logic circuit )
11 -> 7 bit muLtipLier (pureLy Logic circuit)

and now for the outputs

max vaLue for the sum is 198 (11000110) . 8-bit binary
max vaLue for the difference is 99 (1100011) . 7-bit binary
max vaLue for the product is 9801 (10011001001001) . 14-bit binary

then finaLLy . convert bin to bcd again . to seven segment decoder (for display)

pLs heLp me out of this :D . i dont want to use 'k maps' in that 14-bit binary output . it brokes my head . hehehe ^.^

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This provides the Binary to BCD conversion. Use BCD to 7-seg decoders like 4543, or 4511 for the displays.

well, i wish you could understand what i'm trying to explain, i'm ecuadorian so i don't know if it's well written jajajajaj. In my project i need to convert the binary signal of 8 bits to BCD of 2 digits so i don't know if i only have to remove U5 4510 and the output TC of U2 looks like U5. if i do that what problem could i have???
well, i wish you could understand what i'm trying to explain, i'm ecuadorian so i don't know if it's well written jajajajaj. In my project i need to convert the binary signal of 8 bits to BCD of 2 digits so i don't know if i only have to remove U5 4510 and the output TC of U2 looks like U5. if i do that what problem could i have???

I believe I understand what you are getting at. You can remove the 100's digit by removing U5 and all the connections to it, but then, of course, you can convert only binary values from 0 to 99. In other words, after doing so, you can't convert the entire range of values an 8-bit binary number can represent.
I believe I understand what you are getting at. You can remove the 100's digit by removing U5 and all the connections to it, but then, of course, you can convert only binary values from 0 to 99. In other words, after doing so, you can't convert the entire range of values an 8-bit binary number can represent.
yes, i want to convert only binary values from 0 to 99.
You use the EPROM as a lookup table.
The address is the binary number and the stored value is the BCD equivalent.
Yes indeed.

Depending on the EPROM size, you can send n bits to the address inputs and use the eight data output to drive a couple of CD4511 seven seg decoders.

I have also used the same idea to drive four displays using only one CD4511, and counter by multiplexing the data.

I have added the schematics, PCB and the hex file info for the two digit EPROM, and the schematic and PCB for the four digit decoder. I have the code for this somewhere if anyone needs it. This is very useful to monitor binary.


P.S. If anyone is desperate, I could possibly burn an EPROM, all depends where you are and how busy I am.


  • BCD-DEC SCH.pdf
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  • BCD MUX SCH.pdf
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  • BCD-DEC PCB.pdf
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