7 segment display and user inputs displayed

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New Member
I need to design a system that takes a user input that can be displayed on a 7 segment display and the number needs to be stored as a binary number.

[hopefully in the form of a hundreds, tens, ones input - can be held down to reach a desired number.]

I was going to use this as a template:

or use this PIC tutorial on using 7 segment displays
Tutorial 10 Main Board, 7 Segment LED Board. How to use dual 7 segment LED's.

however i beleive its beyond my scope.

I know i need to use a couple of IC's but where do i go about reading up on the required IC's needed for the design.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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If you use the PIC method from my tutorial you don't require any other IC's at all, the PIC can easily (VERY easily!) do it all.
nigels got it right there, although what experience do you have with the PIC programming system? in honesty im still learning how its supposed to work, i get the assembler language but i still dont understand how the configuration bit at the start works!
Not much experiance really - i know a bit of assembly and have done extensive work in C.

I'l look into your turtorial. Btw what kind of PIC do you use, a motorolla 68H11, 68H12, mitsubishi?
sorry i just had some silly trivial questions

If i wanted to have a hundreds, tens, ones counter from three buttons - and want to display these on the respective seven segment displays - how would i do this - I'm glancing over the the PIC tutorial however it seems like i can't make the jump from a counter to a 3 seperate counters counting in a different fashion. The PIC also has to store the number in binary - so i enter 153

thats one pulse at the hundreds
thats 5 pulses at the tens
thats 3 pulses at the ones.

how would i go about doing this - seems like basic digital / vhdl design yet getting it done in the microcontroller seems quite hard.

any help
trickae said:
I'l look into your turtorial. Btw what kind of PIC do you use, a motorolla 68H11, 68H12, mitsubishi?

None of those are PIC's, PIC's are made solely by MicroChip, but are so popular that it's become a shorthand term for 'micro-controller'.
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