7 Segment Counter

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New Member

I am not filimer with 7 segment displays and I am trying to find a schematic that is a simple 7 segment counter (you push a button, it goes up one digit. push again, it goes from 1 to 2. push again, 2 to 3, and so on.) that has two or more digits. I have been searching all over the internet and cannot find anything.

Thanks for the help,

Use Google search engine

search for 7 segment counter.

12,800,000 hits

first one up already gives a basic counter schematic which is easy to build.

Good luck
I've been doing that all day, and have tried:

7 segment schematic
7 segment counter
7 segment counter schematic
digital counter
digital counter schematic
2 digit 7 segment
2 digit 7 segment schematic
2 digit 7 segment counter schematic
7 segment projects
7 segment schematic projects

in both image search and web search. I would like 2 or more digits, not just one. that is the problem
By the way the "count" switch is connected, it appears the counter will increment one count for every time the switch is pressed. Also, at the bottom of the page, there's a link for a two-digit counter, if that's all you require.
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