Need a large counter ? This was done in a single chip, done with simple Verilog code. Could
have been done with schematic capture but that would have been tedious.. Notice most of
chip resources un-used, available for other functions. See right hand window. Lots of other
analog and digital resources in the SOC for use.
PSOC 5LP family, Cypress/Infineon. This was a no code design, but ARM core still available
for other stuff. Did a similar design for a SIPO 64 bit shift register. Or quad DDS driving quad
WaveDAC ...Lots of fun.
Tools, PSOC Creator, and compiler free. Typical board for most projects $ 10,
Note, its no C code if you do not use the counter state, just use it by adding internal HW to do a compare
register function. But if you need the cntr value at any point then by definition you are doing a coded design.
Or an ISR on cntr overflow.
Regards, Dana.
have been done with schematic capture but that would have been tedious.. Notice most of
chip resources un-used, available for other functions. See right hand window. Lots of other
analog and digital resources in the SOC for use.
PSOC 5LP family, Cypress/Infineon. This was a no code design, but ARM core still available
for other stuff. Did a similar design for a SIPO 64 bit shift register. Or quad DDS driving quad
WaveDAC ...Lots of fun.
Tools, PSOC Creator, and compiler free. Typical board for most projects $ 10,
Note, its no C code if you do not use the counter state, just use it by adding internal HW to do a compare
register function. But if you need the cntr value at any point then by definition you are doing a coded design.
Or an ISR on cntr overflow.
Regards, Dana.
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