5v to -15 v pulse converter

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New Member
I have a 5V pulse source

Up to 100 kHz

I want to get the pulses at -15 volts

I have 6 channels like this that need to work simultaneously and independently

Any idea is welcome


Input is "5V pulses". Is that 0 to 5V?
Output is to be "at -15V".
----When input is 0 output is -15V and when input is 5V out is 0V? (0 makes 0 and 5 makes -15)??
----Output is -15V to -10V with the same 5 volt swing?
"Up to 100khz" are there times when there is no signal?
What are your power supplies? Do you have +5V and -15V?
What are you driving? How much power in the output? -15V at 1A or 1mA or 1uA?
A grounded base PNP transistor can be used to convert a 0V to +5V signal into a -15V to 0V signal (if you have a -15V supply available)..
Is that what you want?
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