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18F4550 noob problem

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New Member
This is the first time I worked with an 18F. I want to make the hello world project (flashing a LED).

I thought it would be easy just like a 16F chip, but its not. I've programmed the pic to flash a led at 4Hz but its way slower (about 0.5Hz).

I've checked that the oscillator is correct. I have tested the same program on a 16F and it worked fine. I've searched google, but all I can find is people with USB problems.

void main() {
LATA   = 0x00;
ADCON1 = 0x0f;
CMCON  = 0x07;
TRISA  = 0x00;

PORTA = 0x01;
PORTA = 0x00;


I have disabled all the fuses and used the internal oscillator. When I measure RA6 I get a frequency of 250Khz.
You need to set the OSCCON =$72 so oscillator will run at full speed
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